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中文新聞討論群 非中文新聞討論群 2018/11/30edit 持續增修中.....
tw.bbs.soc.green-earth | 環保與生態。台灣BBS連線轉信之環境討論群 | |
tw.environment | [臺灣環保問題] Environmental news, hazardous waste, forests. | |
alt.chinese.text.big5 | [中文世界 in BIG5]Posting in Chinese[BIG 5] | |
ntu.dep.environment_eng | 台大環境工程研究所 | |
nctu.ensys | 交大環境系統研究室Discussion on Environment System | |
tw.bbs.forsale | 跳蚤市場 | |
tw.bbs.forsale.computer | 跳蚤市場--電腦設備 | |
tw.bbs.forsale.house | 跳蚤市場--房地產資訊 | |
itri.forsale | [工研院:跳蚤市場] | |
tw.wanted | [求售, 求知, 求助, 求物 ....] | |
sci.environment | 美國環境討論群 Discussion about the environment and ecology. | |
talk.environment | 討論美國環境及行動 Discussion the state of the environment & what to do. | |
alt.destroy.the.earth | Please leave the light on when you leave. | |
alt.org.earth-first | Discussion of the Earth First! society | |
alt.pave.the.earth | Damn the environmentalists, full speed ahead! | |
alt.politics.scorched-earth | An environmentally oriented group. | |
alt.save.the.earth | Environmentalist causes. | |
aus.environment.conservation | Information anddiscussion of conservation issues. | |
aus.environment.misc | Miscellaneous environmental issues. | |
ca.environment | 關心美國加州環境 Environmental concerns in California. | |
clari.tw.environment | Environmental news, hazardous waste, forest.(Moderated) | |
clari.tw.environment.cbd | Natural resources and conservation services.(Moderated) | |
clari.tw.environment.releases | ???(Moderated) | |
fj.soc.environment | Talks about natural environment and society. | |
francom.environment | L'environment et notre planete. | |
han.sci.earth | Discussions on earth sciences. | |
nz.soc.green | 紐西蘭環境討論群 Environmental issues. | |
scot.environment | 蘇格蘭環境討論群 ??? | |
su.glass.ges499 | Geological and Environmental Sciences 499 | |
ucb.enviro-spam.grads | Environmental Science, Planning and Management Grad Discussion Group. | |
uiuc.misc.environment | Environmental realted discussions and announcements. | |
uiuc.misc.safety | Environmental Health and Safety forum. | |
uk.environment | 英國環境討論群 United Kingdom environmental issues. | |
za.environment | Environmental issues. |